Monday, September 26, 2011

Handguns and archery for deer

Deer and hog photos courtesy of Dennis Hardwick

Additional photo by L. Ross

Dennis Hardwick is a friend and official with the Greenville Gun Club and a man that enjoys doing things the hard way. The photos show him with a hog killed with a handgun and open sights in 2010 and a deer that was killed recently in Dillon, SC, with a handgun and open sights. The other photo is of Hardwick and some of his memorabilia.

Hardwick also enjoys fashioning Port Orford cedar arrows and hunting with his longbow and has been very successful at this pursuit. Despite a shoulder injury, he has recovered and is planning to hunt with his bow this season.

As of September 21, in the upstate area, Chuck Mulkey's Taxidermy and Deer Processing in Anderson, SC, reported that 30 deer had been checked in at the shop. Chuck said that evenings had been more successful than mornings. He had not taken a deer in South Carolina at that point, but had taken a doe in Kentucky.

Northwest Meat Center in Hodges, SC, reported that 37 deer had been checked in archery seasons at this time.

Yours truly had his chance, but ended up with two broadheads inbedded in tree trunks when shooting at a doe in a thickly wooded area. Better luck next time!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Landowner Protection Act

North Carolina Rainbow Trout
Photo by L. Ross

Trout fishermen that fish in North Carolina should be aware of the newly passed Landowner Protection Act. It clarifies existing trespass laws for the purposes of hunting, fising and trapping to specify the requirements for written permission on posted land only. It is effective Oct. 1, 2011.

There are four key elements to the Act:
1. Defines the requirements for written permission to fish, hunt or trap on posted lands.
2. Allows landowners to post land using purple paint marks or by placing signs or posters, as currently allowed.
3. Allows Wildlife Officers to enforce trespass laws on site, instead of executing process issued by the courts.
4. Removes the exemption for Halifax and Warren counties that requires landowners to initiate prosecution for trespass on posted land.

The important thing is to avoid entering posted lands and be aware that signs may not be present, but only purple paint on trees at eye level.

Monday, September 12, 2011

2011 Archery Season for Deer begins Sept. 15

Self-photos of L. Ross on a successful 2010 bowhunt and another more recent photo of him practicing with hand-made Osage Orange selfbow in preparation for bow season.

The upstate bow season in game zone 2 opens on September 15. It will be interesting to see how hunter success rates this season with the continued effect of coyote predation and competition for habitat with wild hogs.

Scouting this season has shown that the range of hogs is increasing in areas formerly void of hog populations. Greenville county now has hogs from the north to the south end of the county.

Animals are very adaptable in spite of difficult circumstances. I live in a suburban area and in the last couple of weeks have seen foxes and deer within a couple of hundred yards of home. In addition, we have seen coyotes nearby.

Due to the population reduction of the deer numbers, proposals by DNR for reduced limits and a tagging system for bucks appears to be on the horizon.

On another subject, the Jocassee Gorges roads will open on September 15 and will be open until until Jan. 15, 2012. They will re-open again from March 20 to May 10, 2012.

In addition, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced that 15 of its larger recreation areas will be open for deer hunting in areas near Hartwell Lake. Eleven of these are in South Carolina and four are in Georgia. Acreage in these recreation areas ranges from 19 acres to 410 acres.

Thirteen of these areas can be hunted without special permits, but the 125 acre South Carolina River area and the 410 acre Hartwell Dam Quarry area will require a special permit for hunting. Contact Park Ranger Jess Fleming at the Hartwell Lake Project Office for information and permits at 1-888-893-0678, ext. 335 or 706-856-0335.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Duke World of Energy hosts Annual Hunting and Fishing Event

Left photo: Boy enjoying fishing experience.
Right photo: Instructor at last years event showing youth correct way to shoot bow.
Photos by L. Ross

On Oct. 1, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Duke World of Energy will host the Annual Hunting and Fishing Day. It will be held at Duke World of Energy, Oconee Nuclear Station, off Highway 130. Shuttle service will be available to the site from a parking lot near the area.

All events are free of charge and cover the gamut from fly casting fly tying, kayaking, retrieve demonstrations, lake fishing, archery, air rifle shooting and much more. It will be a fun-filled family oriented event.

Sponsors include Duke Energy, Upstate Forever, SCDNR, Clemson University, TU, CWF, Harry Hampton Wildlife Fund, The Weatherby Foundation and Calm Water Kayak.

Bring a picnic lunch or purchase food onsite from concessionaires.

This is a great opportunity for an event that the entire family can enjoy.