Additional photo by L. Ross
Dennis Hardwick is a friend and official with the Greenville Gun Club and a man that enjoys doing things the hard way. The photos show him with a hog killed with a handgun and open sights in 2010 and a deer that was killed recently in Dillon, SC, with a handgun and open sights. The other photo is of Hardwick and some of his memorabilia.
Hardwick also enjoys fashioning Port Orford cedar arrows and hunting with his longbow and has been very successful at this pursuit. Despite a shoulder injury, he has recovered and is planning to hunt with his bow this season.
As of September 21, in the upstate area, Chuck Mulkey's Taxidermy and Deer Processing in Anderson, SC, reported that 30 deer had been checked in at the shop. Chuck said that evenings had been more successful than mornings. He had not taken a deer in South Carolina at that point, but had taken a doe in Kentucky.
Northwest Meat Center in Hodges, SC, reported that 37 deer had been checked in archery seasons at this time.
Yours truly had his chance, but ended up with two broadheads inbedded in tree trunks when shooting at a doe in a thickly wooded area. Better luck next time!