Thursday, February 17, 2011


Photos show a selection of birdhouses built by Ross this spring and ready for new residents. Also, a photo of Ross starting a fire with a bow drill at the YMCA PEAK Conference

It seems that as sportsmen, we are always looking ahead to the next season. With the passing of deer season, our minds turn to stripers, trout, gobblers and bream on the bed.

Each season has its allure, and it would be hard to pick one over the other. Sorting through gear and dreaming of great days afield is not as good as actually being there, but it is a good substitute.

Along with the anticipation of coming seasons, we had a great time at the YMCA PEAK (Preparing Educators for Adventures with Kids) conference and got to teach some primitive skills to a great group of young people. It was gratifying to see the eagerness they had to learn outdoor skills.

If you get an opportunity to be a mentor for kids, don't fail to take the opportunity. It will yield great rewards.

If you are a birdwatcher and feeder, it's time to clean out the bird boxes and put up new ones. Bluebirds and other species are already scouting for nesting sites. You should build boxes so that the door, side or bottom opens easily so that the old nesting material may be removed. This will reduce parasites and the fledglings will be healthier.

Check out my website for more information on bluebirds. Also, nesting boxes are available from this site.

Don't get so caught up in daydreaming about outdoor adventures that you sit back and let opportunities slip by. Note on your calendar and journal upcoming events, seasons and things of interest so that you can take advantage.

Get outdoors and have more fun!

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