Photos by L. Ross
On May 6, Emily Cope, DNR Special Projects Co-ordinator introduced John Frampton, Director of SCDNR, who was the first in a series of speakers having a vital part in making the Belfast Project and the new gun range a reality.
Frampton thanked a large group of people who had invested a lot of time and money in the project. Among them, he gave special thanks to Cope, who had a hand in all the negotiations and details of securing the 4,664 acre property for South Carolina sportsmen.
The rifle range is a state-of-the-art facility and in the near future, it will be supplemented with a nearby pistol range. The range is just off highway 56 on #560 and only a short distance from the plantation house.
Work is already underway to establish an archery range on the property immediately surrounding the house. I will feature 3-D and regular targets and plans are in the works to have an elevated platform to simulate shooting from a treestand.
This is a welcome addition to sportsmen in the surrounding area and DNR is dedicated to maintaining the property and making it available to a wide range of the public.
Facilities such as this are vital to stimulate recruitment into the shooting sports and hunting.
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